Migrate between Joomla! and WordPress
Learn how to migrate AcyMailing from Joomla! to WordPress
From Joomla! to WordPress
To migrate AcyMailing data from Joomla! to WordPress, you first have to make sure the latest version of AcyMailing is installed on the Joomla! website, and that it is the same edition (Starter / Essential / Enterprise) you will use on WordPress. Note that you won't be able to migrate correctly the attachments added to your newsletters as the structure isn't the same.
Move the AcyMailing tables from the Joomla database to the WordPress one, and don't forget to replace the database prefix in the table names
Install AcyMailing on the WordPress website if not already done then activate it
Replace all the content of the folder WPsite/ wp-content/ plugins/ acymailing/ media/ by the one in Joomlasite/ media/ com_acym/
Execute the following queries, and for each one of them don't forget to replace "wp1_" by the real prefix of your database tables:
<code id="ba07a23e27d34a18a5c0b8ee5fd1d93d"><span><span>UPDATE `wp1_acym_mail` SET `body` = REPLACE(`body`, 'media/com_acym', 'wp-content/plugins/acymailing/media'); </span></span><span><span>UPDATE `wp1_acym_configuration` SET `value` = REPLACE(`value`, 'media/com_acym/images/', 'wp-content/plugins/acymailing/media/images/'); </span></span><span><span>UPDATE `wp1_acym_configuration` SET `value` = REPLACE(`value`, 'media/com_acym/', 'wp-content/uploads/acymailing/'); </span></span><span><span>UPDATE `wp1_acym_user` SET `cms_id` = 0;</span></span>
If you also changed the domain of your site, you will need to run this query:
<code id="ca33da25690b49f2a89c3cdf2b48fea8"><span><span>UPDATE `wp1_acym_configuration` SET `value` = REPLACE(`value`, 'https://www.myolddomain.com', 'https://www.mynewdomain.com');</span></span>
Of course, don't forget to replace "wp1_" by the real prefix, "https://www.myolddomain.com" by your old domain and "https://www.mynewdomain.com" by your new domain.
From WordPress to Joomla!
To migrate AcyMailing data from WordPress to Joomla!, you first have to make sure the latest version of AcyMailing is installed on the WordPress website, and that it is the same edition (Starter / Essential / Enterprise) you will use on Joomla! Note that you won't be able to migrate correctly the attachments added to your newsletters as the structure isn't the same.
Move the AcyMailing tables from the WordPress database to the Joomla one, and don't forget to replace the database prefix in the table names
Install AcyMailing on the Joomla website if not already done
Replace all the content of the folder Joomlasite/ media/ com_acym/ by the one in WPsite/ wp-content/ plugins/ acymailing/ media/
Copy the content of the folder wp-content/uploads/acymailing/upload/ in the media/com_acym/upload/ folder
Execute the following queries, and for each one of them don't forget to replace "j_" by the real prefix of your database tables:
<code><span><span>UPDATE `j_acym_mail` SET `body` = REPLACE(`body`, 'wp-content/plugins/acymailing/media', 'media/com_acym'); </span></span><span><span>UPDATE `j_acym_configuration` SET `value` = REPLACE(`value`, 'wp-content/plugins/acymailing/media/images/', 'media/com_acym/images/'); </span></span><span><span>UPDATE `j_acym_configuration` SET `value` = REPLACE(`value`, 'wp-content/uploads/acymailing/', 'media/com_acym/'); </span></span><span><span>UPDATE `j_acym_user` SET `cms_id` = 0;</span></span>
If you also changed the domain of your site, you will need to run this query:
<code><span><span>UPDATE `j_acym_configuration` SET `value` = REPLACE(`value`, 'https://www.myolddomain.com', 'https://www.mynewdomain.com');</span></span>
Of course, don't forget to replace "j_" by the real prefix, "https://www.myolddomain.com" by your old domain and "https://www.mynewdomain.com" by your new domain.
In both cases, and only if you own a paid version of AcyMailing, you'll need to:
Click the "Unlink my license" button in the License tab of the old website
Attach the license in the new website then activate the "Automated tasks" option